Pre-Release Notifications for Easy Digital Downloads allows you to built a list of subscribers for your product before you even release it. 

Building a pre-release subscription list is an excellent way to gain new customers and offer them an exclusive discount before launching your product. 


  1. Download the plugin file from the Pacific Plugins website and upload edd-pre-release-notifications to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your site.
  2. Alternatively, login to your WordPress admin, navigate to the Plugins page and click ‘Add New’ followed by uploading the downloaded zip file.
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in the WordPress admin.


  • Redirect to a thank you page on success
  • Subscribe visitors to your Mailchimp list
  • Send subscribers a welcome email upon subscribing. 
  • Send subscribers a release notification directly from the plugin when you are ready to launch.


  1. This plugin requires Easy Digital Downloads to be installed and activated.
  2. Navigate to Downloads > Settings > Extensions and configure your settings.
  3. Create/Edit your download and scroll down to the meta box below the public button. Check the checkbox labelled ‘Enable Pre-Release Notification Form.’



  • WordPress 4.5+
  • Easy Digital Downloads